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GRSF and CITA Making Vehicle Inspections Count in Cameroon


GRSF and CITA Making Vehicle Inspections Count in Cameroon ⌵︎

In Cameroon, the Assessment of Vehicle Inspection Systems (AVIS) project was undertaken within the framework of the collaboration between GRSF and CITA with a view to upgrade vehicle inspections. The main objective of the project is to identify systems for vehicle inspection and approval, and to propose an improvement strategy to make vehicles safer and travel more efficient.

Cameroon is a Central African country with an area of 475,440 km2 and a population of 25 million (2018). The societal cost of road crashes in Cameroon was USD 8.5 million in 2016. If population growth and the significant rate of increase in the number of registered vehicles are taken into account, this figure is now likely to be much higher. The consequences of road crashes are doubly harmful, both in social and economic terms. The report developed under this partnership, shows how in the country there is a lack of a comprehensive technical reference system to ensure vehicle safety and reduce polluting emissions both in terms of vehicle inspections and approvals.

The global objective of the AVIS projects is to carry out audits of vehicle inspection systems in various countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Cameroon is the second country to benefit from such an audit. The first study in Togo allowed a methodology to be established that improved upon and confirmed the benefit of the project. The objective of the AVIS Cameroon project is to adapt the methodology developed for Togo to the specific case of Cameroon in terms of:

  • documenting the current practices of the vehicle approval and inspection systems,

  • making specific recommendations in the context of Cameroon in order to improve the manner in which inspection and approval Programmes contribute to the country’s overall capacity to manage the development of road infrastructures and improve road safety performance as well as achieving other public policy objectives,

  • advocating a global programme to reinforce capacities in order to implement recommendations.

> Learn more about CITA's continuous commitment to create safer roads


This report diagnoses areas for improvements and highlights the lack of a comprehensive technical reference system for vehicle inspections and approvals to ensure vehicle safety and reduce polluting emissions.

> Read full report here

In partnership with:

The Key Impact

  • research

    Adapted methodology 
    developed for Togo to the specific case of Cameroon 

  • funds

    of additional funding from CITA to GRSF's work

  • bus

    Systems for vehicle inspection 
    identified + proposed strategy to make vehicles safer and travel more efficient 

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Learn more about this project

GRSF 2020 Annual Report